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God Always Travels Incognito

God Always Travels Incognito

The new book by the author of the international bestseller The Man Who Wanted to Be Happy is an engaging and inspiring story that opens the way to the deepest thoughts about ourselves: How to overcome our inhibitions, fear and learned behavior and deviate from ...
259,00 CZK
 Beyond the Cleavage

Beyond the Cleavage

The book More than a neckline is an expression of life wisdom, which Raquel has developed on the basis of her own experiences. The varied style also contributes to the readability of the book, when passages with practical advice are peppered with wit or, on ...
229,00 CZK
Stillness Speaks

Stillness Speaks

The essence of Tolle's message is simple to understand: When we connect with the silence within ourselves, we transcend the boundaries of our active mind and emotions and discover the depth of lasting peace and contentment. The book is divided into ten chapters, each of ...
221,00 CZK
Hypersensitivity is not a Weakness

Hypersensitivity is not a Weakness

Are you tired of people telling you not to take life so seriously? If you're a highly sensitive person, it's actually okay to take him seriously. The book Hypersensitivity is not a weakness, written by Danish psychotherapist Ilse Sand, who includes herself in this group ...
219,00 CZK
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

A book belonging to the most famous classic works with spiritual and psychological themes. This "stunning book that brings pleasure and knowledge", as Paulo Coelho described it, has been translated into forty-three languages and inspires millions of readers around the world. It tells the story ...
252,00 CZK
Mindfulness - Introduction to Mindfulness Basics (Fit for Body and Mind)

Mindfulness - Introduction to Mindfulness Basics (Fit for Body and Mind)

Do you ever feel like you're just surviving, but not really living? That the day is passing you by while you seem to be running almost non-stop on autopilot? Our hectic pace, overflowing with work, social obligations or household worries, often does not let us ...
135,00 CZK
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