Constant Craving

Constant Craving

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Constant Craving

Are you not able to loose weight? And do you blame your excessive and uncontrollable appetite? Then the book of a known American psychologist, Doreen Virtue, PhD, is the right one for you.

Doreen Virtue claims that appetite is a natural thing that does not have to be fully suppressed; instead, she will teach you how to understand it. Are you dependant on chocolate, peanuts, chips, ice-cream or anything else? You will learn what emotional problem is hidden behind and you will even be advise what to do and how to resolve such problem.

As soon as you understand why you desire to eat certain foods, your desire will cease to control you and only you will decide how much you will eat. You will no longer be hunted with an urgent need to overeat and so you will gradually and very naturally loose weight and even keep the new weight.
Good luck!

  • Title: Constant Craving
  • Subtitle: What Your Food Cravings Mean and How to Overcome Them
  • Author: Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
  • Type: Book
  • Language: Čeština
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Pages: 352
  • EAN: 9788073702076
  • ISBN: 978-80-7370-207
  • Publisher: Synergie
  • Dimensions: 142x214mm
  • Publication Date: 1.11.2012