The Big Magic

The Big Magic

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The Big Magic

An inspiring book of a successful author describing a journey to the fulfilling and rich life we all dream about. In her new book Elizabeth Gilbertová, the author of bestseller Eat Pray Love, shares her unique view of creativity with the readers. With amazing empathy and unrestrained generosity, she allows us to look into the magical world of inspiration. She challenges us to accept our natural curiosity and put aside any useless worries. Using illustrative examples, she is showing us how to embrace everything we love and face what we are most afraid of. From all points of view she addresses the attitudes, customs and practices that should be mastered by all who want to live as creative life as possible. She is masterfully balancing between soulful spirituality and optimistic pragmatism and encouraging us to reveal the “valuable jewels” that are hidden inside of everyone of us. It does not matter whether you want to write a book, become an artist, follow your life dream or simply nourish your everyday life with consciousness and passion, the BIG MAGIC you will feel at the moment when you discover your inner treasure, will open the door to the world of miracles and joy. Do you have courage to discover the treasures that are hidden inside you? This book will become your guide on the amazing journey to your self-discovery. You will learn how to enjoy rich life without worries.

  • Title: The Big Magic
  • Author: Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Type: Book
  • Language: Čeština
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Pages: 230
  • EAN: 9788074629310
  • ISBN: 978-80-7462-931-0
  • Pubsliher: Jota
  • Dimensions: 136x206mm
  • Publish Date: 2.2016