Don't Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle

Don't Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle

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Don't Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle

Complicated relations and demanding life situations always produce tension. Be aware of addiction on stress and tension. In this book the author will teach you to determine the quotient of your tension and you will find out how much stress you have unnecessarily endured and drawn from other people and various situations. Doreen Virtue clarifies the philosophical reasons why you could become addicted on stress in relations, at work a in life and advices you how to step out of this cycle. Return balance in your life. You will understand how traumatic events from the past may activate post-traumatic symptoms, including anxiety, gaining weight and addictions. You will learn about natural and scientifically established methods to resume you spiritual well-being and balance for your body and life.

Doreen Virtue will show you how to:
- Deal with your relatives, friends and colleagues who are the slaves of tension;
- Assess your own level of addiction and tension;
- Stop giving space to negativity in your life;
- Reduce anxiety and thus establish inner peace.
Say yes to an overall catharsis to remove tension and negativity and let your light shine.

  • Title: Don't Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle
  • Subtitle: How to Break Free of Negativity and Drama
  • Author: Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
  • Type: Book
  • Language: Čeština
  • Format: Softpaper
  • Pages: 224
  • EAN: 9788075540706
  • ISBN: 978-80-7554-070-6
  • Publisher: Anag
  • Dimensions: 145 × 206 mm
  • Publication Date: 7.3.2017