Rescued by a Teardrop - Angele Lieb

Rescued by a Teardrop - Angele Lieb

249,00 CZK
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Rescued by a Teardrop

A true story of a woman who woke up from an induced sleep, unable to move or communicate. Everyone around Angele believes she is in a coma despite her being able to hear and understand everything around her. She worries that doctors will switch off her life support (this is discussed in front of her with her family) or that doctors will decide for organ donation, which she signed up for many years ago. This situation lasts two weeks and doctors do not give her relatives any good news. One day when her daughter sits by her side and talks to her, she notices that Angele has a tear running down her face.

  • Name: Rescued by a Teardrop
  • Author: Angele Lieby
  • Type: A Book
  • Language: Czech
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Pages: 184
  • EAN:: 9788024925639
  • ISBN: 978-80-249-2563-9
  • Publisher: Ikar
  • Dimensions: 200 x 125 mm|259 g
  • Publication Date: November 2014