The Charge

The Charge

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The Charge

For a long time we have not seen a new book about personal development that would bring something brand new. Our waiting has ended. The book called The Charge confronts our own ideas of what drives us forth as humans, and after its reading you will find a new inner charge that is stronger than you could have imagined. In his book Brendon Burchard shows that the only way to significantly increase the quality of our life is to activate ten human driving forces. These driving forces include our desire for active control, change, challenges, creative expression and awareness. They form everything we think, feel and do in our life, so their understanding and mastering is crucial for our success and happiness. Strategical repeated activating of these driving forces is the fastest way to a full and charged life. Mastering of our driving forces is not easy. Therefore, Brendon invented something he calls the “Activators” of human experiencing – a series of efficient and easy measures thanks to which you can radically increase the level of your energy, interest and fulfilment in all areas of your life. What Brendon reveals in his book The Charge will catch your attention and surprise you. Did you know that most of the ways how we strive to satisfy our wishes and desires are actually counter-productive ? Even though we feel a deep desire for change, too often we do not succeed in making such change in our life to feel more lively and make it more meaningful. Brendon helps us overcome these faults and clarifies the way how to strategically and intelligently activate the ten human driving forces to reach one thing we all desire: THE LIFE CHARGE!

  • Name: The Charge
  • Subtitle: Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive
  • Author: Brendon Burchard
  • Type: Book
  • Language: Čeština
  • Format: Pevná
  • Pages: 272
  • EAN: 9788073704056
  • ISBN: 978-80-7370-405-6
  • Publisher: Synergie
  • Dimensions: 210x210mm
  • Publication Date: 7.9.2016